Flash Game Developers, Mochi Ads is now open for business!

You almost can't help but love the guys over at Mochi Ads. They are basically building an Adsense like system for game developers to finally make money off their flash games. Traditionally, all the money in that world has been made by websites that steal (or license for peanuts) the games and stick them on their own site, and they make money showing ads on those sites. In other words, the developer gets little to nothing for all their hard work.
With MochiAds, they stick the ads IN the game, so the developer no longer gets screwed when someone steals their stuff. In a nutshell, the people making the games make money, and they don't get screwed by the big guys anymore. Very cool!
Congrats to Jameson and the whole team there for finally opening up and letting everyone off the waitlist in!
In case anyone wants to play some fun games, here is a link to a page with some games that use Mochi Ads.. I personally like Bloons.
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